Thursday, August 4, 2016

On our way to Rio!!

First stop Los Angeles...

After a full day of Farm Bureau training Alfred picked me up in Gilbert and we were off to the airport.  Timed it perfectly as we sat down at our gate, grabbed a water and it was time to board.  The flight to LA was a bumpy one (you in Arizona know why - the storms and wind were crazy).  

LAX is well... LAX, it took FOREVER to get our luggage, it is smoggy and packed with people from absolutely everywhere!! 

NEXT off to Panama...

We finally figured out we were departing from Terminal 6 and after a meal we walked to our gate and well they were boarding... perfect timing again.  This was our first time on COPA Airlines.  The attendants were amazing, the food was good but I very much missed the lay flat beds of American Airlines International Business flights!!  COPA business class seats are just okay.  Luckily the flight was only a few hours and I was exhausted!

Now we are in Panama City...actually Panama City Airport.  We have hours until our next flight.  We have taken over a few chairs in a corner.  I took a webinar class for work and spent the morning catching up on reading and writing and a little sleeping across two chairs.  Alfred spent some time reading his kindle and catching up on articles on Brady with his feet up (until the little lady came and told him they needed the chair  haha) 

We will probably tour the airport a little later - definitely NOT an exciting day!!


  1. Wish we were with you! Have a safe rest of your flights!!


    1. We wish you all were here with us too!! We will have to plan for Japan in 2020!! :)
